Summer of 11 in 2011

The Challenge.

In the summer of 2011
(defined as June 11th - August 29th because that is the true time a teacher has off - interestingly enough roughly 11 weeks)

I will
Create, Document, and Blog
Different Crafts from my Crafting Bucket List

Is also setting a dollar limit of $11 too much?

I'm super Jazzed!

Here is my list in no particular order:
1. One T-shirt for Ellie
2. One dress for Ellie
3. A summer skirt for me
4. Painted dresser - Zebra print and it will be so cool
5. I've wanted a headboard for my king size master bed for 5 years.  I will make something awesome!
6. Stuffed pie making pretend play toys I saw at the children's museum.  (they are cooler than I can explain)
7. A rug - crochet or braided
8. I will master a salsa recipe and canning process for my garden produce
9. Homemade Hummus and homemade pita chips
10. Knit produce bags
11. I'm leaving this up to whatever moves me - it could be baby booties or something for my husband.  His suggestion (other than the ones he had that were not appropriate for the bloggosphere) was a cowboy hat made from an old beer case.  Who knows, that might make the cut!  :)