I mentioned in my last post that I started the first project of my challenge. I created a t-shirt for Ellie and it's finished! (well sort of) Here's the deal...
I used the pattern from this amazing blog - Made You really need to check it out!!! She has these easy to follow tutorials that are very creative and unique. I also followed her tutorial on how to make a pattern, and now I understand the process much better. The one thing I have found very interesting with this project is that I'm really looking at the structure of how clothing is made. I'm turning everything inside out and looking at the seams, thinking, "oooh, that goes there and then they sewed here..."
So anyway, the shirt - she calls it the 90 Minute Shirt and even for the sewing novice that I am when it comes to anything that isn't a straight line, she isn't far off. I used a shirt (12 months) that fits Ellie well and this turned out o.k. - for a first draft.
Overall, the sewing of the shirt went pretty well. I don't have a Serger or an expensive sewing machine for that matter, but I think I made up for that with the creative stitch I used to sew the white edge on the shirt. I really enjoyed making the pattern and sewing the edges on. When I got to sewing the sleeves on I got a little frustrated, (wondered vaguely if the 'wife beater' look would be cute on a one year old) but powered through and sewed them on. I think it might be a case of getting easier once you've done it a few times.
1. When sewing the sleeves, I didn't tuck the end of the shirt under the sleeves. Now it's just flopping out and looks unfinished.
2. Then, remember the post about not sewing when you are tired? I screwed up when sewing the W on the front. I'm embarrassed to say I sewed the front of the shirt to the back.
Yeah - that's embarrassing!
So tonight I ripped out the W mistake and finished it up and I'll show you one more time the end result.
This project for the challenge is not finished yet, because I'm not 100% happy with the result. (this is a new rule I'm adding to the challenge)
I'm thinking about changing the design of the shirt a little and not having the overlapping onesie look for the neckline. Mostly because I hate sewing the sleeves on the way the tutorial explains. If you read my "about Sarah" page, you will know that I don't always follow crafting directions to a T.
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