Sunday, June 5, 2011

The First Weekend of June

My Challenge of 11 in the Summer of 2011 hasn't started yet, because school isn't officially out until next Friday. Regardless, this weekend we were wonderfully busy while staying at home - for the most part!

Saturday - We finished planting the garden!!! Seriously glad to get that in the ground.  Went a little simpler than usual this year, just roma tomatoes, jalapeños, green and yellow beans, zucchini, and zinnas.  I want to try my Salsa Garden one last time (perhaps one of my 11 projects?) and I just love beans and zinnas.  I'm looking for a great salsa canning recipe that is easy.
Something I've wanted to do for TWO years got done on Saturday! Chris painted the trellis my dad built me and we planted Clematis.  (Love the flower but giggle like a high school student when I say it, I'm sorry, it sounds like as STD).

Sunday - Got up early and Ellie and I took these pictures of my flower beds.  They are looking fiiiiiiiine!  Jack the dog tagged along.  We also went to the mall, did some returns, went grocery shopping, and did a little flower transplanting!  A great day and weekend all around.

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