After a nap, we decided to hit up Saint Vinny's (The Saint Vincent DePaul Society - resale shop). I love Saint Vinny's and ours isn't even that great. (pssst, the best in the area is in Wanaukee)
First, the one I'm the most excited about... This old desk! 1970's? 1960? What do you think? My first observation from sitting in it was "kids today would never survive, my cell phone slides right off"! (teacher humor) Another one of my goals for the summer is to clean up the basement and make a playroom and this will be perfect! I'm thinking spray paint in a funky color on the metal and keep the wood authentic? Maybe a steely blue or funky periwinkle? What do you think? Best yet? It was only $5!
I'm running low on old t-shirts for these projects so I thought I'd see what they had in fun colors. Most of the ones I have are my husband's castoffs and he has wardrobe limited to navy, grey, white, and black. Most of the shirts were priced at $2 or less - not bad, but I wanted to try the $1 rag grab bag. For $1 you get a paper grocery bag filled with cotton ts. You don't get to pick and you do not know the quality. What can I say, I live on the edge.
- 3 shirts that were truley rags (crumpled in the back)
- 2 folded white shirts are in better shape than the long sleeve and short sleeve I currently wear under things and they were in my size. (sad but true, I'll be wearing rags)
- 9 shirts in grey, blue, 3 black, 2 reds, green, and a star pattern
- (the dog was not included, but what a good helper)
What a fun way to get new fabric! My mind is already turning as to how I can use them. I was particularly excited about the green because I was eyeing up another shirt in EXACTLY that color in the $2 section! SCORE!
I also picked up these lovely mens shirts (interestingly enough in my husband's size which he noticed and gave me a funny look when he got home, "you want me to wear this?") I'll use these to try the adorable Shirt Dress Tutorial on Made.
I also picked up black sequins, pins, and a pattern for a princess dress. I've never used a pattern before, so we'll see. (it's a 4T and up so I've got some time to improve with my sewing)
Grand total - $13.25
What a successful day! Now on to the weekend of grilling out, fireworks, family and friends! Happy 4th everyone!
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